
She did it! 7 little chicks. This is the first new animal life on our little farmstead. Something to celebrate! Good job, Arnold!

A Broody Hen!

Our Buff Orpington, Arnold (get it?), is broody. I went out to collect the eggs this morning, and there she was, puffed up in the bucket, same place as yesterday. When I reached in to get the eggs from underneath her, she gave me a warning squawk, and it hit me…she’s gone broody! HOW EXCITING!…

The Peeper Coop

We have now mostly completed the “Peeper Coop.” It still does need some paint and some shingles, but it’s functioning, people!     It’s very fancy, as you can tell. And it’s designed to house a chicken from hatch day to butcher day (or until it joins the other layers and pays me rent! HA!) See…